Create your own Magic

Release your Limiting Beliefs and become Limitless

Margie Candy
transform your life

When our energy is flowing unimpeded, we have health in body, mind, and spirit

I'm here to help you clear the blockages.

Trapped emotions, limiting beliefs, inherited points of view, and past life situations can all influence our current life.  If you want more from your life, if you want to feel limitless, let’s see what we can do to find and release what’s blocking your abundance and enable you to step forward with profound confidence.

What we Think, we Create,

What we Fear, we Attract

Reflexology, Shiatsu, and Quantum Touch are physical ways to manipulate the flow of Qi.

Emotions and thoughts subtly influence our view of our life.

Often we want more from life, more abundance, more love, more health.


So what prevents us getting what we want?  Very often there is a hidden belief that we are underserving or unworthy. Why do we have that belief?  When did we buy into that point of view? What circumstances created our current self-image and what can we do about it all?

It’s easier than you may think.  

We use muscle testing to discover the answers and energy to release the emotions and beliefs.  Once you have cleared them, you are free to manifest everything that you desire.

have you read my book

The Shiatsu Studio

Shiatsu with Reflexology is offered at the Shiatsu Studio in Mossel Bay. 

Lets have tea

The Shiatsu Studio & Energy and Qi

Our Story

In 1994 reflexology introduced me to Traditional Chinese Medicine which became my major interest.  I went on to study shiatsu and quantum touch and these were the main therapies offered at my Shiatsu Studio. 

My book The Shiatsu Studio’s Accupressure for Common Ailments has been published.

I was later introduced to the Emotion Code and the Body Code which took my energy work to a whole new level.  I started with clearing trapped emotions, then moved on to limiting beliefs. Now in my work, I find that many past lives appear and I’m able to see quite a few details;  I could see my female client as a young Jewish man in 4 BC, or my 70 year old client as an five year old child in 1570 in Mexico.  I could see the architecture and what life was like in that space.  

Recently I was asked by a client to find out what had happened to her ancestors.  She had some details but wanted more information,  I was able to discover why a 12 year old had been placed in a mental aslym and why a young mother had committed suicide.  The 12 year old, in Edwardian times, had ADHD and was somehow incapicated which literally drove her crazy.  In the other instance, there was a trapped emotion of humiliation which caused this young lady to take her life.  

This is a fascinating journey that I’m on and I welcome my interesting clients who are so enriching my life.